Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is Cassidy Estes she is a very close friend of my family.She is 16 years old and will be a junior this coming up year. On May 16Th 2010 She was riding four wheelers with her boyfriend and some friends and had a wreck. She was flown to UAB hospital in Atlanta Ga. Where she is in very bad condition. She has Swelling on the brain and the Dr have had to shave her head and cut a piece of her skull out to help the swelling go down. As of this morning Cassidy has had a stroke due to the swelling 38 percent more then normal.She is a very wonderful girl. Christian, church going, outgoing person. Please i ask that you stop what you are doing and pray for her. Pray that God puts his hands around her family, friends, and most important the Dr's helping Cassidy. Please Copy and paste!!!
Thank you so very much!!!!


Alicia said...

We'll be praying!!!!!!!!!!!

Farrah Zellner said...

Thanks alicia. She is such a wonderful sweet girl and still in shock that this has all happened.Her family and mine have been great friends since i was very little so this hits really close to home.

Anonymous said...

Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

Anonymous said...

i didnt know her but ill pray for her she is very beautiful